CategoryUnorthodox Success, Secret Shame

What if you wrote a book for 1 person?


I was chatting with a reader of my recent book (Unorthodox Success, Secret Shame) and they shared something with me. “Reading about you wrestling with your shame made me reflect on where I had shame in my own life. I realized I’ve been too ashamed to admit I’ve been in an abusive relationship. I was too ashamed to admit it to anyone, including myself. Once I realized that, I left my boyfriend.”...

My book has already hit its lifetime sales goal


I’ve been very intentional about how I refer to the expectations of my book. I had a “release”, not a “launch”. The book has a 10 year mission. I will evaluate its impact and success only after 10 years. I’ve asked readers to share the book with the people in their lives that will benefit from reading it. I’m giving the book the space it needs to let that...

Book release VS book launch


I’ve been pondering the difference between what it means to “launch” something as opposed to “releasing” it. When I think “launch”, I think of a rocket being propelled into space. When I think of “release”, I imagine an animal, that has been nursed to health, and then released  into the world. Both are impressive events. There’s something awesome about watching that rocket, but...

It’s not about the books I sell, it’s about the books I write


I recently updated my website to add Unorthodox Success, Secret Shame. I now have 2 books listed. Seeing multiple titles like that listed has made it really sink in that I’m an author. There’s no denying it. Doing one of anything can be a one-off or fluke, but when you’ve done it multiple times, it’s definitely “a thing”. I’ve gotten so much pleasure simply from seeing those 2 titles there, even...

Want to see my new book cover?


Release Date: August 10, 2021. Available through Amazon. Also, I’ll be hosting an INVITATION ONLY book release Zoom on August 9, 2021 at 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific. I don’t host Zooms very often and they’re always memorable. Hear me tell the powerful story of how this book came to be.Hear about my own debilitating imposter syndrome, something we all suffer forms of.I’ll share my...

My 10 year sales goal


Most traditionally published books’ successes are measured with how well they sell within their first 9 months of release. Just like with movies, it’s seen as either a hit or a flop immediately. Most publishers and agents won’t even speak to you about publishing your work unless you have a built-in audience of social media followers (hundreds of thousands or bigger) that you can sell your book to...

“Real artists ship”


This quote is most often attributed to the late founder of Apple, Steve Jobs. It popped in my head last night as I move on to the next phase of my book. I received the feedback from the last of 5 beta readers. Each of them had suggestions to make the book better, and none of them found huge fundamental problems with the book. It means that after spending another day or 2 with my book, I’ll be...

My self-doubt still creeps in


A couple of weeks ago I handed over the first draft of next book (Unorthodox Success, Secret Shame) to my wife, Robin, to edit and review. When she was done, she had sent me the file back with notes. The next morning as I reviewed the notes, I immediately began to start doubting myself. What were Robin’s constructive and instructive feedback, I saw as evidence that I had bitten off more than I...

How to Write a Book in 60 Days


We’re surrounded by overwhelming marketing messages online from gurus all promising to teach you their easy paths to success. Now, here I am undertaking a very real challenge of creating and releasing a book in 60 days. I have no doubts I will be successful. The thing is, yes this is a very real challenge, and yes it is going from idea to publishing within 60 days, AND there’s no way I’d ever...

You have a front row seat watching me complete my next book


This past week I was inspired to complete my next book. There’s a feeling I get sometimes, of “Fait Accompli”, and knowing that something will happen with complete confidence. I sensed it, and decided to take it on fully. I’ve had some clarity recently on who it is I want to help. In the end, it’s always a version of me. I’m the greatest expert on myself. I...

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