A great question to ask yourself


If you’re struggling, it’s easy to come up with a list of people or things to blame for your lack of success.

“I blame my parents”

“I blame the economy”

“I blame The Man”

“I blame my debt”

“I blame society”

“I blame Trump”


I’m not even going to disagree with any of those statements as they apply towards you. Let’s grant that they’re 100% accurate and apply to you 100%.

Ok, so now that’s out of the way, let’s focus on this:

What can I do to change my situation? What things do I have power and control over?

The reality is the answer to that question is: a lot. More than you realize, and very likely more than you are currently doing.

It’s easy to blame everyone and everything, but the thing is, despite all of that, there is much you can be doing to improve your situation.

Like, maybe HAVE A PLAN. Put a plan together. Map out your next week, month, year. Just the act of putting a plan together can make a huge difference in your life. Have some goals to work towards.

If your status quo is not working for you, then what can you do to change it up?

I can’t answer all of this in this one post, but I want to open your mind to the idea that there are things, and very much a lot of SMALL, ACHIEVABLE things, that you can change about your situation that will impact your life in big way.

I’m not talking fuzzy clouds and dreaming of stuff here. I’m talking about actionable steps. Small ones. But put some thought into it, instead of letting the days, weeks, months and yes, years, keep passing by without attempting to change the things you can.

I’m writing this from a place of having lived it. I routinely ask myself this question, of the things in my control, what can I do to change my situation. So, some examples for me would be:

My hypnosis business wasn’t performing as I wanted it to. I wasn’t getting booking as quickly as I needed them. I could blame the schools or corporations for not buying what I was selling, or that it was a bad economy, but what could I do about it? I booked myself some quick “bar shows” to make some quick cash. These aren’t awesome high profile gigs, but they put money in my pocket, plus gave me skills working tough rooms. The better gigs came later.

When starting out as a DJ, no one would book my kind of music. What could I do about it? I started promoting my own shows.

I hate debt, I hate being in debt, I hate owing anyone money. What did I do about it? I paid back everyone and everything. I attacked it. That meant I delayed enjoying my money till later. I also swore never to use debt again and that means I have to delay things and save for them. The result is I owe no one anything and can enjoy nice things with no “pet elephant” in the corner.

It’s a powerful question. But you have to ask it.

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By Chris Frolic

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