A powerful invitation


I’m going to model something right now. Take from this what is of value to you.

I have a very small email list. Mostly because of the decelerated life I choose to live, I don’t participate in social media and all the usual ways people generally are reached these days. I’m co-founder and co-owner of a successful business that pays me monthly dividends and I have stepped away from daily duties. I don’t “need” to do anything. I enjoy creating content for you and the others that have found me and make a point of reading what I have to say.

I feel like I’m giving you the best I’ve got, and considering who I am and what I’ve done, that is of extreme value.

I do this because I find it fun. It’s fun for me to write and share my thoughts. I’ve been doing it once a week for almost 3 years. I also like bucking all the trends of putting myself out there. I like the image of a sage on the mountain. I acknowledge the effort you’ve made to reach me when I make it sort of difficult.

Some of you are here because you are involved in coaching. I proudly declare myself “Not a coach”, but the thing is, I like coaches. I want to help them succeed, especially those wanting to create unique businesses and I enjoy being in the room with them.

I like hosting Zooms, I’ve learned. It’s fun for me. So I came up with a fun topic that speaks to me, titled “I’m not a coach”, for those of you that topic speaks to and don’t like to label yourself. I hate labels for myself and I enjoy creating things that didn’t exist before. I’m on an endless pursuit of “What’s Next?” So, you’re watching me do it right now.

More, this is an exclusive offer, because only 77 people are being invited. Not tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Just 77 of you on my email list are being invited to spend time with me, someone who has created multi-million dollar businesses and has been a maverick his entire life. My fees today start at $1 million but I’m inviting you to join me on this Zoom because it would be fun for me if you did.

The world doesn’t even know of this offer. Just you, right now, reading this.

This is invitation only, to this very small list. I will also accept a referral from you to someone you think is worthy of the invitation, you may pass this email on to them.

I can’t think of a more exclusive offer, and here it is. Your invitation. Only 77 are invited.

Are you in? Click here for the details again. It’s happening on November 16th, 2020.

ps: The word “fun” appears 5 times in the above, and I know when I’m having fun, magic happens.

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By Chris Frolic

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