Doing things different


If you were to ask me “If you could go back in time, and give your younger self advice on what they should do differently, what would you tell them?”

My answer would be:

Considering I LOVE my life now at age 44, I would have to say I’d change NOTHING. Where I am today is the result of my journey that I started at the beginning with. That includes all the mistakes I made and any crappy experiences. I wouldn’t have the life I have today without them.

I have absolutely been molded by the mistakes I’ve made. You learn more from them. Some mistakes I’ve made have been huge, and life altering. They weren’t fun at the time. But in the end they were just a part of my story.

Time gives me the perspective to see this. When you are younger and caught up in the middle of it, you won’t see it.

So, basically, accept that stuff will happen. You won’t always choose wisely. But be grateful for the lessons you will learn and the life you will live.

Enjoy your journey.

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By Chris Frolic

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