Glass of water to start the day


I had come across a life and productivity hack multiple times that suggested to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning.

The thinking behind it is you’ve just gone through several hours without drinking anything, so your body could use it.

I decided to try it, having a cold glass of tap water, instead of the thing I did usually in the morning – a cup of coffee.

I found the results pretty surprising. I found that after having the glass of water, I was feeling alert and more awake, as much as having the coffee did.

The water alone made me feel better.

I ended up not having coffee at all in the mornings, instead leaving it till later in the day when I could feel myself start to slump.

I’ve been doing this a couple of months now and feel the glass of water habit is strongly ingrained in my morning routine now. Some days I have no coffee at all.

I write for my blog of things I’ve actually done, real stories I can share. This definitely qualifies.

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