How “Stacey Abrams Clarity” Can Supercharge Your Mission


The leadership group that I’m a part of reached out to Stacey Abrams, the politician, voting rights activist, and governor candidate for the state of Georgia, about being a guest speaker. She is so singularly focused on her mission for political change in her state, she applies a simple question to everything she does:

Will this get me votes?

She ended up not speaking for our group.

When I heard this story, I was awed by the laser clarity of a mission like that. So singularly focused.

I asked myself how I could apply that to my life?

I have an emerging mission to be part of climate solutions.

A version of the Stacey Abrams clarity question that I’m working on is:

Will this help me solve climate change?

Further versions:

Will spending time with this person help me solve climate change?

Will spending time on this activity help me solve climate change?

Will investing time in myself this way help me solve climate change?

Perhaps the answer isn’t directly, but indirectly still serves my mission. For example, I could have a conversation with someone that has nothing to do with climate change, but I’m challenging myself in a new way in front of them, that benefits me, which in turn will help me solve climate change.

I’m writing this article at 6:20 AM, having just woken up, with this thought in my head. Most of my writing in this blog comes from the place of “What do I need to hear most right now?”, which then I in turn share with others.

How can you apply “Stacey Abrams Clarity” with your own mission?

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By Chris Frolic

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