I took a week off and that’s OK


I just did an exercise to “write down 5 things you’ve accomplished this week” and it was actually hard to come up with the list.

Without intention, I realized I had cut my schedule way back in response to over-scheduling myself.

When the Covid-19 lock-downs hit and things got serious I rallied to support people. I scheduled Zoom conferences, connected with new people, wrote a lot and worked on my own business ideas.

I was working harder and connecting with more people under quarantine that I had in a long time. Then something gave.

At first I felt bad. I thought I was being lazy.

But on thinking about it some more, I realized I was self-correcting. We’re in a marathon. We don’t know how long the shelter-in-place orders will last, and then the recovery after it will be even longer.

I don’t know when or if there will be a return to normal, or what the new normal will look like.

That being the case I better be playing a long-game.

With this new awareness I am going to make my schedule permanently lighter than it was. This will be my new healthy pace that will insure I make it to the finish line.

I was also so focused on serving others I wasn’t thinking of who could help me.

I brought this to my weekly meetup group of coaches and experienced figurative pain in asking for the smallest of help – how about they sign up for my email list. I enjoy writing my blog every week, I have things to share that I think are more relevant now than ever and the more people that read it the better that will make me feel. Such a small request and yet the words were difficult to leave my mouth. Asking for help, even the smallest requests, can be difficult for people positioned as the givers.

In the end, my “week off” meant creating a schedule that will insure my long-term health and a reminder that asking for help is OK.

That ended up being a week I can be proud of.

What are you doing to keep your long-term health and energy a priority?

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By Chris Frolic

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