It’s going to take three years


When speaking to people today starting out their businesses, one of the pieces of advice I will generally give is that this is going to take longer than you thought or hoped for.

My rule of thumb, based on my own experiences, is that you better be committed to seeing it through for 3 years.

Three years to figure out your market, grow the business to something that can support your goal of success (whatever that is to you), and most importantly learn from the mistakes you make along the way.

You also need to steel yourself for the mental and emotional ride that is to come. The worry, self-doubts, exhaustion, long hours, anxiety and everything else that comes along with not having a regular paycheque.

Speaking of that, having the financial resources for this journey as well is super important. That, and/or be ready to bootstrap the hell out of it and live like a student on rations. That was the way I ended up doing it.

It won’t be all bad. You will have your victories. Those things will keep you motivated. It also reaffirms you are on the right path. What I’m saying though is be prepared for the long haul, as you can easily go from feast to famine when you don’t get a string of victories.

If you aren’t getting any victories, or not nearly enough, then you must review and retool. I’m not saying you have to suffer for 3 years straight and wait that long for any success. I’m saying 3 years to get close to the business you have in your mind and dreams, with enough income to provide more of the life you want.

The good news is, when you get to the end and have a successful business, you look back and realize anyone else will have to do what you just did. And it won’t be easy. Most will fail or give up. You won’t really have as much competition as you might think. Most people are “wantapreneurs”, and not full time entrepreneurs.

I know this message may not be the most popular message, and flies in the face of all the messaging out there about how quick and easy success is (“if you do these 3 simple steps!”), but I think its an honest message and will help you more than saying it is quick and easy.

I wish I could give you the easy simple solution for overnight success, but I’m realizing now my best gift to you is to not say that, but prepare you for the real work, and the real success that follows.

Enjoy your journey.



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