Learning just enough to solve the problem I’m facing


I used to be ashamed of my lack of official education. I don’t have a single piece of paper with my name on it. I lost interest in high school and never even finished.

Now, after all these years, I realize I’m a life-long learner. I found my own way to learn. Being part of a class curriculum isn’t part of that.

Being an entrepreneur means I don’t have to prove myself to anyone, other than by creating an appealing product or service and letting that speak for itself. No one asks to see my resume. I’ve actually never written a resume on my life. The last job I ever applied for was when I was 12 years old.

One of the things I’ve realized about my learning style is I teach myself just enough to solve the problem I’m facing.

What that means is instead of taking a course that will last months or years, I find out what I need to know to solve my immediate challenge.

This is usually done with a few minutes of internet search, or something I read in a book.

It may not be pretty how I got there (I often describe my process as “Popsicle sticks and duct tape”) but it gets done, and more importantly starts generating revenue with the least amount of time and investment.

It’s just how I’ve done it and one of my old secret shames. I’d feel like a fraud, despite the fact that what I built functioned and people saw value in it.

Now I share it.

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By Chris Frolic

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