“Life experience” is no joke


I remember years ago coming across some “diploma mill” that would give you a degree or something for little effort (and a lot of money), and one of the things they’d give you a lot of credit for was “life experience”.

At the time I thought that was the biggest joke in the world. Now, in that specific case, it was a joke because they were just using it as a way to sell you a piece of a paper, but now as I reflect on my life I see the value of life experience.

There is no way, you or I or anyone else as human beings don’t grow and pick up experiences and skills as we live our lives. Unless you were in a coma for 20 years.

For a long time I felt like a faker, faking my way through everything. Now I see myself as a person that has lived a life, and built a huge tool chest of tools from all those years. Tools that I now share.

If I think about this, obviously if this is true for me then its true for anyone. The tools we collect will be ones that we collect from our journey, but you’re going to have them.

Now, you might be missing some tools you need for the current work you want to do, which is likely why you are here in the first place. And that’s cool. Take what you can from me to fill those holes.

But give yourself credit, and dig deep into yourself to figure out what the tools are that you’ve collected that will benefit your life today. I’m sure you have a ton of transferable skills that will be beneficial in an entrepreneur setting.

And the ones that you’re missing? Well, just wing it or try and build them now, but I’m telling you from my own experience I’ve always had gaping holes in my knowledge and figured it out somehow. And if that hurt me, or it didn’t come as fast as I wanted because I was missing something, well, just part of the journey.

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By Chris Frolic

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