Peace in a world of social media


I read an interesting article this week about someone giving up their primary social media, which in this case was Twitter.

I found this quote the most enlightening of the article:

This resonated with me because that is the world I inhabit.

It’s funny, because even though I am not a social media user, for many reasons, it’s power still affects me. It makes me question my own success when compared to the curated lives on display there. Yet, here I am, with no need to be in there. With real financial security, stable and fulfilling home life, but because I don’t broadcast these incessantly to the world, outside of this blog, which requires people to actually visit, it can appear like I have less to celebrate.

This is a reminder that if you can achieve a life that is so secure and grounded you don’t even care what’s going on social media, and your hours are so much more valuable than to be consumed with that, is a great goal to shoot for.

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By Chris Frolic

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