The value of taking action


I was speaking to one of my “Incubees” this week, about a win that involved putting themselves out there and attending an event and talking with people.

They accomplished the goal (go to the event and talk to 2 people), but were commenting on how much energy it took to psych themselves up to go.

I couldn’t help but relate my own experiences. It’s hard to put yourself out there. I can remember taking hours to force myself to return a phone call. The fear was overwhelming.

On one particular phone call I’m thinking of, I watched the clock tick minute by minute as I tried to summon up the courage. The work day was ending, and I was running out of time. I had to do this.

I made the call, and the person I needed to talk to was there. I handled it best I could but it didn’t go well. It went so poorly, the person chastised me for “wasting both our time”.

All that effort, and it didn’t even pay off. Or so I thought at that moment. But it did pay off. Like exercising your muscles, by forcing yourself through these tough action steps you grow stronger as an entrepreneur.

Every call becomes easier. Every conversation easier to initiate. And then something magical will happen… one goes well. You made the sale. A sale you wouldn’t have made had you not done that step. I know this because I’ve been through it.

It’s real easy to just build a web page and wait for the business to come in. But unfortunately that strategy doesn’t work. It would be nice if it did. A gazillion people out there waiting for those phone calls and business to come in on its own would be very happy.

The ones who make it are the ones who put themselves out there. Talking to people, possible leads, possible customers. One by one.

There are probably things in your business today that you know would help you if you did them but you are afraid of it. Challenge yourself to do it. Build those muscles.

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By Chris Frolic

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