This is how you create your next greatest chapter


Answer these 3 powerful questions:

What are your superpowers? What is it that you do greater than anyone else you know? The insidious thing about answering this question is often your greatest superpowers are so close to you that you don’t even see them. You do them with such ease and effortlessness you don’t even value them. You might even be ashamed of them. They can take a while to identify, and often you can’t do it alone, you need someone on the outside who can see them within you. This can take time, maybe even years, to see clearly.  

What are your selfish desires? You need to nourish and feed yourself. I’m not talking about money, because chasing money is a treacherous game. Let money be the byproduct of what you do, not the thing that feeds you. So what is it then, that feeds you? Being on a stage? Electrifying a room? Being seen as a leader? Being the best at something? What is it that you WANT, and get super clear on it, and then trust that you are a good person and if you achieve that thing you want the goodness naturally radiates out.

What is it that the world needs? Get hyper specific. “Change the world”, “Make the world a better place”, “Make impact”, “Transformation”, ”To help”… These are way too vague. They aren’t measurable. They don’t generate excitement and response. Get super clear. Get audacious and get BIG. Make the task bigger than you, something you can’t possibly do alone. What is the problem that fires you up to talk about? What story from your past do you draw from that moved you into action? If you were seated at a table with a stranger, what would you talk about that would move that person? What would you say that was so powerful it leaves them feeling awed? What does the world look like when you’ve succeeded at your mission?  You don’t have to solve every problem, trust that you are on a team, and focus on your one role that you were made to fill.

And that, my friends, is how you make your next chapter your greatest chapter.

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By Chris Frolic

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