What Scares Me?


A few weeks ago I was inspired to challenge myself again. I needed to up the amperage on “What’s Next?”

I asked myself this question:

What scares me?

After I sat with that for a bit, I answered it with this doozy of a question:

Who do I need to be to charge 1 million dollars for 1 day of my time?

I was less scared of this idea than excited by it. This is me challenging myself in the right way and the game I like playing. I could immediately tell I was aiming in the right direction because my blood was pumping in all the right ways.

I know what it’s like to be the best at something. I’ve been the best multiple times in my life. The only game that interests me now would be to play to be the best.

Sometimes I think of this “blood pumping” feeling as the feeling a gunslinger feels when they put on their gun belt again.

And what happens to a gunslinger if they aren’t the best? Exactly. Every time they put on that belt, they better be the best.

I immediately realized this new game becomes a game about attracting those who want to play that game with me.

These thoughts created an exponential chain of events. It was not about what I have to do to charge that kind of money but who do I have to BE?

And the answer was simple: Me. The most powerful version of myself. This is also the easiest answer because I’m already everything I need to be. The more in tune I become with my own power, the easier this gets.

I also realized – there is only one of me in the entire universe. How do you even place a value of that? To the right person, I am more suited to helping them than anyone else. I understand them at a level no one else can and I can help them in ways no one else can.

I can be someone’s secret weapon. They don’t have to do everything I’ve done to benefit from me.

And the simple act of being so audacious, of playing this game at the highest levels, makes me immediately more attractive to the people I’m hoping to reach.

It’s not about needing the money, it’s the opposite, that money won’t make a difference in my life. It’s about screening for those that would like to play at the highest level with me. I want to make an impact on the world and will leverage others to help make that happen. Who else is going to be attracted by this?

My mind started making new connections. New topics I can speak of, new vulnerabilities I can share. Problems that I’ve dealt with in the past that I used to have shame about because they were tied to being successful. Things we don’t talk about because who can complain about those types of things? Well, I’ve lived that life.

The path forward is simple – continuing being me, share that with the world, let people experience it. I impact others just from existing. Some will benefit just from reading these stories. I share my wisdom with all who want it – for no charge. I write my blog, I share videos, I write books. This is my gift to the world. Told from a position of someone who also greatly values their time and operates at the highest level. And to the right person out there, I can help them in a way no one else can and offer a way to do it unlike any other. What price can be put on that?

What does reading about this inspire in you?


  • Chris you inspired me the first time I saw you on the zoom call. Then you ignited a flame in me that will never be extinguished. You turned on the light in my darkness to allow me to see what was already there.

    As I continue to get to know you better I realize how much you and I share in experience, emotion, desire, and existence.

    Today, I sit and wait. One day I will strap on my gun belt and feel the blood pumping. I know that will be any day now. Untill then I continue to live my life in gratitude, forgiveness and non-judgement.

    Peace, joy and happiness,

By Chris Frolic

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