When will it be enough?


So I just completed an incredible achievement. I published a new book. In it, are the best lessons I have to share about how I overcame feeling like a fake. It’s literally the book I wish someone had given me. I couldn’t be more proud of it. I’m sure it will help others.

It culminated with a book “release” Zoom hosted by me and attended by dozens of people. I’m equally as proud of that Zoom, and my ability to do it.

If I do nothing more for the rest of the year, 2021 will always be remembered as the year I released this book. The book will be for sale forever, and the Zoom will live on as a recording. It’s a great accomplishment.

And yet, only a couple of weeks removed, I’m feeling pressure on myself to do “more”. What, exactly, I don’t know. But that feeling of nothing ever being enough is there.

“What’s Next?” – those 2 words, haunt me now.

There are 2 weeks left in summer vacation before my kids go back to school. I’d like to give myself permission to do nothing for the next 2 weeks.

I don’t have the solutions, but today I’m simply observing these feelings being present.

Perhaps simply noticing them is all I need to do. The power of those feelings are diminished simply by noticing.

How about yourself? If you take a moment, where do these feelings come up in your own life?

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By Chris Frolic

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