5 year ago today I started this blog, these are the most popular articles


Wow, time flies. My very first blog post was January 7, 2018. I vividly remember it, because I vividly remember the state of crisis I was in during that time in my life. I was extremely unhappy, my imposter syndrome was at critical levels, and I was hiding from the world. I took the smallest single act of courage I could muster at that moment – I installed a WordPress on my website, which had been a blank page for the past 8 years since I retired from stage hypnosis, to see what I had to share of value with people. I picked an arbitrary date and time, which was Wednesdays at 10am my local time, and made a commitment to post something.

It also represents the moment I knew I’d be leaving the webinar company I co-founded, to do something else, but I had no idea what that was or how I would get there. It was a painful and extended exit, that took 3 years, with no guarantees it would be successful. I can now say it was, and the company has run successfully without any input from me for a couple of years now.

During these past 5 years I’ve written 252 blog posts, which I’m very proud of. I’ve also published 2 books, one of which came directly from my blog and the work I’ve shared here.

I always thought this part of my life was about a transition to something else, but after 5 years I can see that this is the thing. I’m in it, this is what I do now. I’ve created a life that supports me and how I want to spend my time.

It’s a life of freedom and possibility, one that is allowing me to play games at the highest of levels, and make the impact I want to make. My latest project is a book of hope and optimism and demonstrable change by people that inspire me. I wasn’t capable of creating this book until very recently.

As I reflect, I was curious what the most popular articles I’ve written have been. Here they are:

Where Are You Hiding? One of my most recent posts is my most popular as it was linked to from a Facebook influencer and got huge viral shares. This pleases me, as I aspire to be a “thought leader”, and that means even with my modest blog, which is capped at 100 members, still has the potential to go viral.

When the Dog Catches the Bone From 3 years ago, this was me exploring one of my favorite things – a metaphor, and wrestling with my “What’s Next?” question.

Using Technology vs Being Used By It From 4 years ago, this is part of a series of articles I’ve written reflecting on my personal usage of technology. Since the time I wrote this, there has been lots of awareness of the downsides of big tech, and we as a society are examining more and more the true cost. I’m proud that this is something I thought to write about 4 years ago.

Roads? Where We’re Going We Don’t Need Roads Written April 2020 during the peak of the pandemic lockdowns, I wrote about how certainty was always a myth, and to embrace not knowing.

My son dared them to make fun of him, instead they bowed to him Rounding out the Top 5 was a very personal blog share. This one makes me happy that it ranks so highly. It was about my youngest’s decision for a Halloween costume and what the reaction was. The most common reaction I’ve gotten to this story was how hopeful it makes people, because it’s tangible proof that things change. That what my son did would not have been possible a generation ago, without huge consequences. Things CAN and DO get better, because this is proof.

Thank you for being a part of my journey. I can’t wait to see where it goes from here.

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By Chris Frolic

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