Being bored is good


I know this is totally contrary our world these days but I love being bored.

And by “being bored” I mean not constantly distracting myself with electronic devices.

Giving myself this boredom allows my mind to conjure and create. New ideas, solutions to problems I’m wrestling with, and general pondering.

It allows my mind to form new connections and great things can come of that.

I usually allow myself some quiet time in the mornings, laying in bed, not reaching for my phone right away. Just staring at the ceiling. If something strikes me, I’ll make a quick audio dictation to my phone, but not use the phone for anything else.

I allow other boredom in my life by floating around in my pool, or taking a walk.

There have been so many valuable “Eureka!” moments over the years during my bored periods, they absolutely have much to do with the success I’ve had.

When people ask me how I created a hugely successful technology service, this is how. The creativity that was spawned during my bored periods allowed for innovation.

I feel sorry for those who can’t put their phones down for 5 freaking seconds. They are totally conditioned to not leave themselves alone with their thoughts for even a brief period.

I concede that if you have an unintentional addiction to your phone, being bored can be painful at first. Boredom is seen as a negative. As a society we do everything we can to avoid it.

I’m challenging that thinking. You’re reading this blog for a reason. I’m here to share my bits.

How can you embrace boredom and allow that creativity to flow which can then improve your life?

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