Starting over, but not really


My story involves multiple resets. I’ve left something I had been successful at and started from scratch at something else.

While that is true, I also realize “not really”. Everything I’ve done, I always start with all the skills and experiences I had accrued up to that point.

I like to visualize myself with a tool belt. I keep adding new tools to it. I’ve learned to see myself not as the thing I do, but as a distillation of everything I’ve learned over my life, everything I’ve done, everything that makes me me. As I start over at a new objective, that “me” is still as strong as it was and continue to gets stronger all the time.

It’s sort of like if you were playing a video game, and got to “level up” that character over the span of the game, and then you transferred that character to a new game, but all his levels remained intact.

It’s gotten to the point I’m not even sure what to call myself these days. How do I neatly wrap up all of my life’s experiences and knowledge into a neat label?

The answer is, I’ve stopped trying. I don’t label myself any longer, and I’ve stopped labeling what I do with my days.

I made a list of “what I do now” and filled a page of text of what I do with my days. It’s beyond trying to wrap into a neat package.

For a long time when I started something new I saw myself starting at zero. That is absolutely a false statement. You only start once… at birth.

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