Do today what you did yesterday, get today what you got yesterday


I am not sure where I first heard this quote. It isn’t mine, but I absorbed it from somewhere and I think about it all the time.

It’s such a simple thought, and a reminder of how stuck we can get doing the same things every day but somehow expecting that this time it will be different.

I use this quote to ground myself. I’ll give an example of how I’ve used it.

I’ve been writing this blog for a year now. By now I know how much organic searches it generates, what my traffic is and what this blog is capable of generating just from existing.

Since I’m so resistant to social media, and not willing to spend any amount of time with it because I value the peace I have in my life and the schedule I like to keep for myself, I asked myself what can I do differently, today?

I now have the data that me posting an article a week gets me the results I’m getting, so if I’m not satisfied any longer with what I “got yesterday” it was time to think about how to shake things up.

I decided I will expand by creating some valuable talks that I will offer groups that my message might resonate with.

This also works with my personal blue ocean strategy, and avoiding the red oceans (in this case the noise of social media).

To summarize, I asked myself this question:

What can you do differently going forward to change the results you are getting?

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