Entrepreneurs can change the world


I came across this great article and video about how Entrepreneurs are helping shape the Flint, Michigan despite all the scandals and bad news coming from there.

“Starting a business in an impoverished city in the midst of a public health crisis sounds counterintuitive at best. But Flint’s new founders have their reasons. Rents are low. Competition is scarce. And most important: The city they love really needs them.”

There’s a great mini video show these people:

It was such a clear example of how entrepreneurs have this gift of rolling their sleeves up and affecting huge change, especially where its needed most. They found opportunities where no one else did.

I love that we have the creativity and freedom to create whatever it is we want. In that story above, one of the entrepreneurs did years in prison and now employs 10 people. She would never be hired for a job, so she created her own. I love it.

My story shares that same freedom and creativity. I did all the things I’ve done with no experience or training, but I didn’t let that stop me. I created what it was I needed to create. If I had to find a job, even today, it would be very difficult for me because I don’t have the traditional education or talk the same language. I used to be ashamed of my unconventional background, now I embrace it.

The only way I could have succeeded was not following the pre-determined rules of the game.

I love working with people like this. If this is you, we should talk.

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