Frolic’s 2020 Magic Mirror Tool


I was inspired to create this tool by how I’ve been choosing to see 2020 as one of the best years in my life, and how I might be able to share that with others.

I know a lot of people can’t wait to get out of 2020, but what if it were possible to transform how you see it?

I also realized how creating lists has been such a powerful tool for me. To be staring at the overwhelming evidence in front of me, and even better when I share it with others. Something changes for me and I never see things the same.

This is my gift for my readers to end their 2020 from a place of strength.

I named this incredibly powerful tool the “Magic Mirror” for reasons that will become obvious.

Here are the steps…

Find an inspiring quiet place and give yourself 30 uninterrupted minutes.

You’re going to write 3 lists.

List 1:
Write out all the positive things that happened this year. What are the things that you are grateful for that happened? What are you thankful for that you have in your life? Write down everything you can think of.

List 2:
Write out all the things that happened to you personally that make 2020 less than great for you. Limit it to your personal situation, not what is going on outside beyond your control.

List 3:
Go over list 2, and write out for each:

• What hard-earned lesson did I learn from this experience?
• How did I grow from it?
• What unexpected positive outcome came from it?
• What am I thankful for from having gotten through it?

When complete, delete list 2.

Compile List 1 & 3 and title it:

“My 2020”

Read it back to yourself.

Where does 2020 stand for you now?

If you really want to make it real, share your list with someone.

Report back to me your take-aways. I’d love to hear how this tool impacted you.

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By Chris Frolic

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