One thing you can’t copy from me


During the years I felt like an imposter, I was under tremendous fear of my ideas being ripped off.

I would go through such lengths to hide and obfuscate my innovations. At the time I believed it was the only thing I had. That if someone copied it, I was useless/worthless/replaceable.

Recently I watched someone share in public their business building strategy. I know this person, have spoken to them, and actually shared this very strategy with them. They liked it so much they asked if they could use it. I said sure. It felt weird to watch my idea being passed out with no credit of it originating from me.

I could stay attached to the things I innovate and share, but the reality is this will happen again, so that isn’t healthy.

I can also choose to see it as me succeeding at my “Star Trek” mission. Of propagating new thinking and connection.

Here was evidence of my “thought leadership”, propagating because it wasn’t even me sharing it, but someone else.

If others in the audience adapted the idea, it would increase that propagation. This is in service of the greater good.

And maybe this is an opportunity for me to model living a different way. I love how in Star Trek the crew are above petty squabbles. Humanity has moved beyond that. The threats are external and they work together towards it.

Maybe me abandoning wanting credit for every idea of mine is part of this propagation as well.

I also have new reflection on what it is that I do and why I’ll never fear feeling like an imposter again:

My value isn’t in the ideas I have. I’m not in fear any longer that if those ideas are copied I become worthless. My value is in my ability to CREATE the ideas and innovate. There’s plenty more where they came from.

And THAT can never be copied.

I’m grateful now for this experience and the insights that lead to this article.

What is your real value that cannot be copied?

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By Chris Frolic

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