How I prepare to create a world of possibility


I recently hosted a Zoom titled “I’m not a coach”, for coaches who want to create businesses as unique as they are.

In preparation on the day of, I chose to cut my news diet down from an already very small daily amount. Normally, I allow myself 7 minutes to scan my local newspaper websites for news of interest for me. I don’t use social media and don’t consume much news outside of regular websites with intention.

On this particular day, hosting this Zoom, something I’m doing for the first time, I chose to cut my news intake before the Zoom to zero. There is nothing happening outside my window that day that was more important than my meeting.

Also in preparation I blocked out the entire day, I had no meetings or obligations beyond my immediate family in my home.

For the entire morning I allowed myself the freedom to sit with my thoughts about what it was I was going to cover on the Zoom. I sketched out the material I wanted to cover, and would return to it as inspiration hit me throughout the morning.

Almost all of the planning for my talk was done in the morning of it. My plan was to wake up inspired, create it in the moment and deliver it.

I didn’t let the outside world invade my creative place.

This was most difficult during the normal time I might check the news, but once this window had passed it was pretty easy and got easier as the hours passed.

Some of the morning I just sat in my chair and stared at the blue sky.

And then when the Zoom started, I had already been “marinating” in this magical space for several hours and brought the audience into it.

I treated this Zoom with the magnitude that it had the potential to change the world, both for those on the live call as it happened, and for those that will watch it as a recording for years to come. It was never going to be anything less than a historic moment, and I did everything I could to facilitate that.

PS: The recording will be posted soon!

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By Chris Frolic

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