My no news test


I recently attended a 4-day workshop in my home city of Toronto. I decided to full immerse myself into the experience by treating it sort of like a “staycation” by booking a hotel walking distance from the venue.

This meant after each day I would not go home. I would not visit my family and switch to being a family man. I would stay immersed in my experience, allowing myself time for thoughts and inspiration.

I made one other decision to facilitate this immersion – I chose a total news blackout. I’ve written about my news diet in the past. You can read about it here and here. I decided to take it up a level.

For those days I was away, I did not read or look at any news whatsoever. I spent my time writing in my journal, dictating any thoughts to my iPhone, and even wrote down all the dreams and sleep inspiration I was having.

I totally disconnected from the greater outside world. All I concerned myself with was this workshop, my experience, and supporting those that where there with me.

Some big news happened to break while I was there, and I knew nothing of it. Only days later when I returned to my routine at home and my limited news consumption did I catch wind of what happened.

My end takeaway? This news would have been a complete distraction with ZERO VALUE to me. My world was unaffected by not keeping on the news and would have removed me from my immersion and into the commentary about this world news.

I haven’t decided to unplug completely from the news with my limited news diet. I do in the end like to have some understanding of what is going on, but I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to repeat my blackout for the next immersive event I participate in.

What is your news consumption like and how does it benefit or hurt you?

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By Chris Frolic

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