You are what you eat


It’s generally accepted that we need to eat healthy foods to keep our bodies in good working order. Are we putting the same effort into what we consume with our minds?

It seems we are in an information overload, and I have to ask, to what end?

I’m not speaking of educating yourself with specific knowledge you are seeking, but the overwhelming bombardment of breaking news, and the outrage that goes with it.

I’ve been on a News Diet for a while now. I’ve been experimenting with how far I can take it.

I asked myself what value was there in this information about things I have no control over? Worse, the preoccupation of these things takes my mind and resources away from the things I DO have control over. I would much rather focus on those things. Specifically how I can help people, directly.

I tested a complete news black out for a spell, but I wasn’t comfortable having no knowledge of what is going on. Now I tightly control it:

-I read my local newspaper sites for my news
-I read them only at my computer, not from my phone (no habit of checking in for no reason)
-I read them at a time of my choosing.
-I limit my reading to more of a scan
-I use a browser plug-in to limit the minutes and also the time of day (All news is blocked from 1pm onward)
-I don’t use social media, so news doesn’t pop up for me for no reason. If I used social media, I would include it in my limited “check-ins” from the computer, not from my phone.
-I have a satellite radio for my car, so no news breaks while I drive. I can be left with my own thoughts.

I see this like reading a morning newspaper. There is absolutely no reason for the news to interrupt my day.

This would also apply to social media news. Why would I want it to interrupt me?

What this allows me, is to be very efficient with my productive hours. I work in a very focused state of mind on things that are important to me, that will affect other people directly. Then I use the rest of my time for personal satisfaction. Time with my family. Time with friends. Time reading a book and actually learning something.

I’d like to challenge you with the question: In what ways would your life benefit from limiting your exposure to things outside your control, like the news or social media outrage?

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