Take Action


As I continue to work on “what’s next?” for me, one of the things I keep coming back to is how I can help others.

If you’re reading this, you’re here possibly out of curiosity about me from my DJ past, but also you might be here because of what I’ve been writing about my entrepreneur journey.

I use this blog to share things that have worked for me, with the hope someone might take something away from that and use it in their own way in their own business.

I write for people that can create something from nothing. You have visions that everyone else has difficulty seeing and a track record of executing them.

I write about working hard at times, but more importantly working smart most of the time.

I write for people that have a desire to work on things that are bigger than them, that you have the knowledge you can change the world if you are successful.

Your dedication to what it is you want also means you live your life on the edge. Financially there’s always a big risk.

You won’t compromise the things that are most important to you or how you want to live your life.

Things come easy to you that others find impossible. You’re confused why others can’t also come up with these things so easily. The things that make you great you carry around as secret shames.

I write about my first-hand experiences of being audacious and seizing the moment.

As I reflect, I can see that my life was a series of seizing the moments. I used to think part of it was “right place, right time” but now I see that that is just a survivorship bias. The only reason those “right place, right times” stick out was they are connected to my making the most of it. All the other “right place, right times” that went nowhere don’t matter. Or, they don’t because I didn’t seize them when I had the chance. To the trash heap of history.

We all have these moments. The good news is there is always more opportunity. Even better news, is you can create it.

As I write this I’m inspired to try something, so let me try this…

You, blog reader, I invite you to seize THIS moment. Seize this moment and reach out to me. Use my contact me and send me a message. Ask me a question of a challenge you are facing, let’s see what I might bring to it.

I want to work with action takers. I want to work with people who know how to seize the moment.

I’ve been writing this blog for over a year, this is the first time I’ve said such a thing. What becomes possible by seizing this moment? I am curious myself.


By Chris Frolic

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