New Years Review Process


Everyone takes stock this time of year. I’ve been spending a lot of time trying to figure out what is next for me.

The biggest change for me is the New Year used to have promise and potential, things I hoped would happen. Now I’m in a place of feeling complete, and actually embracing that and resisting anything else, so I struggle with some of these old exercises.

This year I’ve hired a coach to try and work through a new process, to figure out what’s truly important to me going forward. I start work on that this week.

I did a lot of self-work this past year, and I will continue that into 2019. The new coach is part of that. My new goal is not having a goal, and how to live a fulfilled life without one.

I’m giving myself time. Maybe this whole year. I’ll keep taking classes, growing and expanding my thinking. I’m also leaving myself open to anything that comes to me.

My businesses are successful, so the money situation is fine. Since I stopped chasing “more”, I’ve become very satisfied with what I have and the chase for money alone doesn’t drive me. That is where things become less clear. Money was always such an easy goal to measure. Going beyond that takes more effort.

I share this because I think the quicker one can find that satisfying level, with a goal to stop chasing more at some point and not stay in a pursuit mode, the happier one can be.

I do enjoy working with other entrepreneurs. I’m going to continue to be open to that but resist scaling it into something bigger than I want to spend my time doing. At least at this time.

Speaking to that point, it did help me originally to plan my year, lay it out and figure out the road to the outcome I wanted. I’m just at a different place now, but if you’re still working out your journey then for certain I’d strongly recommend you plan your year.

Not just thoughts and wishes, but a literal road map. If your goal is $x income this year, where exactly is that going to come from? Break it down, break it down by month, by market, based on the best data you have. Make it so clear you can see the exact path you need to take to make it happen.

That is how I did it, till I didn’t need to do it any longer.

Happy New Year!

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By Chris Frolic

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