The Power of Writing for Yourself


I’ve written so many articles over the past four years that I’ve forgotten everything I’ve written and it’s like a collection of golden nuggets sitting in a barrel.

Committing myself to writing (and sharing) once per week is one of the best things I’ve done.

Some weeks the words come easy. Inspiration hits, and I knock out the article without much effort.

Sometimes I don’t have an easy topic to write about. I’ll scroll through my daily journal and see if anything I’ve written about jumps out at me enough to turn into an article.

Sometimes I’ll give myself the prompt “What do I need to hear most right now?” and the answer will come to me.

Sometimes I’ll start writing, and then wonder if I’ve written about this before and look it up. Often, I’ll find the exact words sitting in a past article.

Just today I looked up a phrase I was going to write about, and saw that I wrote about it last year. I then re-read my article, and was overwhelmed by the wisdom I had for myself then, and again now. I have that experience pretty regularly.

If most of my writing ultimately are words I need to hear, it’s an amazing collection of intellectual property just sitting there, waiting for me to re-discover.

It’s an added bonus that it’s all sitting there for anyone to discover. That makes me feel good and proud of the work I’ve done on myself that I am then able to share. I make my mark in different ways. Philanthropy takes many forms, and writing articles falls into sharing my time and talent.

The list of every article I’ve ever written can be seen here.

What is it that you most need to hear, and who benefits from you putting it out there?

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